For students in life science (B.Sc.), Leibniz University.
Statement of a student from the 2023 course: The practical course for the lecture „Adult stem cells in regenerative medicine“ was a lot of fun. Prof. Hoffmann skilfully combines theory and practice with the help of Yvonne, Kirsten and Anika. Both the experiments and the associated theory are excitingly designed and informative. Due to the small group size, an enormously intensive supervision can take place, which in my opinion keeps the perfect balance between instruction and independent work. What I particularly liked was the open interaction between Prof. Hoffmann, Yvonne, Anika, Kirsten and us as students, and that we were also given more challenging tasks such as handling genuine blood samples. It also helped me a lot that the evaluation of the experiments had already been discussed extensively, so that I never had the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the results and sources of error when writing the protocol. Absolutely recommendable for everyone who is interested in the topic of stem cells.